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Beth avatar
Written by Beth
Updated over 4 months ago

The RIDDOR tab appears in the Incident/Accident record and is used to capture the details of all RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013) injuries associated with an incident/accident.

Please Note: The RIDDOR tab will only appear if a RIDDOR Accident type is selected on the initial Incident Details page of an incident record. See below:

Below is a full list of the Types Of Incident that will display the RIDDOR tab:

  • RIDDOR Specific Injury

  • RIDDOR Lost Time

  • RIDDOR Dangerous Occurrence

  • RIDDOR Occupational Disease

  • Fatality

Our Advice: The Potential RIDDOR option does not display the RIDDOR tab as this option is used if a particular incident could possibly be a RIDDOR. This option can be changed to the type of RIDDOR if/when that becomes apparent.

The RIDDOR tab contains a RIDDOR entry for each Injured Person in the record. When an injured person is added to the record on the Injured Person(s) tab, a new entry will automatically appear in the table on the RIDDOR tab. See below:

To begin adding a RIDDOR, click the Add/Edit RIDDOR icon next to it.

Organisation step

The RIDDOR process contains five steps. The first step is Organisation step, containing the initial details of user reporting the RIDDOR. This will be auto-populated mostly with the user's name and primary location details. Please double check all details and amend as necessary. Also, ensure you answer the Did the incident happen at the above address? question at the bottom. See below:

If you answer the "Did the incident happen at the above address?" question with No, an additional Location tab will appear to confirm the the incident address:

Our Advice: The RIDDOR tabs above are not visible. They will become visible once you progress to the next step in the RIDDOR process.

When all data has been added, click the Save & Next button to continue to the next RIDDOR step. 

Please Note: Certain information is required in order to continue to the next step in the RIDDOR entry. If you try clicking the Save & Next button and some data is missing on the current tab you are adding information to, you will be prompted and all data fields that require information before moving on will be highlighted in red:

Location step

Note: This step will only appear if you have stated a No answer to the question Did the incident happen at the above address? in the previous step.

The Location step contains the details of the place of the incident.

Start by answering the question Where did the Incident happen? This will either be Elsewhere in your organisation, At someone else's premises, or In a public place.

Next, fill in the rest of the incident location details.

If you do not know the address, you can fill in the Details of where the accident happened (if the address is not known) field, outlining where the incident took place.

Once completed, click the Save & Next button to continue to the next RIDDOR step.

Incident step

The Incident step contains the details of the RIDDOR that took place.

The Incident Date and Incident Time fields will be auto populated from the details added in the records Incident Details tab.

First, add in the following details:

  • Country - (England, Scotland, Wales)

  • Geographical Area - Choose a location from the list of areas.

  • Local Authority - Choose the local authority in question.

  • Department or Premises/site the incident happened - Add in the department/premise/site of the incident

Please Note: A Geographical Area cannot be selected until a Country has been chosen, and a Local Authority cannot be selected until a Geographical Area has been chosen.

Please identify the following details about your location's main activity

In this section, begin by adding in the following data:

  • Main Industry - Choose a main industry from the list of options.

  • Main Activity - Select one of the main activities.

  • Sub Activity - Select one of the sub activities based on the Main Activity selected above.

  • Identify Accident type - Select the kind of RIDDOR incident that took place.

The Kind of Accident Help Given question next will be auto-populated when an answer is chosen for the Identify Accident type question above it. The contents of this can be changed if required to something more specific to the help given.

The Fall Height (To the nearest meter) question will only need to be filled in if the Fall From Height option is selected in the Identify Accident type above.

Next, select the process that was being undertaken by selecting a Work process from the drop-down list, and then choose the Main Factor that contributed to the incident.

Finally, explain in detail what happened in the Describe what happened in detail area.

Once completed, click the Save & Next button to continue to the next RIDDOR step.

Injured Person Details

The Injured Person Details tab displays the information initially recorded when they were added the the Injured Person(s) area in the record.

Double-check the injured person's details that are pre-populated, and amend as necessary. Also include the injured person's Age.

In the Injured Person Employment Status, type in the injured person's Job Title and Employment Status.

If applicable, please also add the Details of training scheme/employed by someone else.

Click the Save & Next button to continue to the next RIDDOR step. 

Once completed, click the Save & Next button to continue to the next RIDDOR step.

Injuries tab

On the Injuries tab, Confirm the injury severity by choosing either Fatality, Major Injury, or Injured Person off work for more than 7 days.

Finish this section off by choosing options or the Nature Of Injury and the Injury Location from the drop down boxes provided.

Once completed, click the Save & Next button to continue to the next RIDDOR step.

Confirm tab

The Confirm tab allows you to nominate the individuals that require a notification about the RIDDOR.

To add a new individual, begin typing their name into the Person's Name field. If typed correctly, the system users that match will appear in a list, allowing you to click and select them.

Once a members name has been clicked, simply click the Add button.

The member selected will be added to the recipients list:

The final step of the RIDDOR process is to submit it to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). This will send over all RIDDOR details over so that you do not have to pay a visit the HSE website to do it separately.

If you are ready to, you can send the RIDDOR to the HSE by clicking the Save and Send To HSE button.

Please Note: This is a live system. If you do click the Save and Send To HSE button, the system WILL send the RIDDOR details and the HSE WILL act on it when they receive it. Please ensure you triple-check all RIDDOR details before clicking the Save and Send To HSE button.

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