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Location Figures
Beth avatar
Written by Beth
Updated over 4 months ago

Please Note: Unarchiving an archived record can only be done by users with the correct system permissions.

The Location Figures page allows you to record the figures for your location. The figures you add will then interact with the Dashboard widgets and Reports. These figures includes:

  • Employees (Direct) Headcounts - Total number of people in your location/area that walked through your business doors that are employees of your company in a particular month

  • Employees (Direct) Man Hours - Total number of hours worked in your location/area by your company team members in a particular month

  • Sub Contractors (Indirect) - Total number of other individuals in your location/area that walked through your business doors to perform work that are NOT part of your company's team in a particular month

  • Sub Contractors (Indirect) Man Hours - Total number of hours worked in your location/area by members on your company premises that are NOT part of your company in a particular month

  • Audit Actions - Number of additional actions in your location/area that have been performed outside of the Incident365™ system in a particular month

To get to the Location Figures area of the system, first click the Incidents option from the menu on the left hand side of the screen:

You will now see a table containing all existing incident records. Click the Location Figures menu item, and then click Location Figures. See below:

You will now see the Location Figures area as shown below. 

The Business Unit, Location and Year will populate according to the current year and your default location/business unit. If you would like to view a different location or year, make the changes accordingly and click the Search button.

You will notice that only the current month can be changed. In the example below, that month is October. This is because only the current month can be added, making sure you do not add figures for previous months by mistake.

Our Advice - Please make sure you select the correct Business Unit, Location and Year before checking location figure data. If the none of the fields are editable, it could be that the wrong Year has been selected.

Please Note: A particular month's figures can be added anytime during that month, but you also have a further 7 days into the next month to add them before that month is locked out. For example, if you were adding figures for May, you have up to and including the 7th June to add May's figures. Please ensure that you try to add months figures on time.

To add your figures for the current month, simply do the following:

  • Employees (Direct) Headcounts - Type in the total direct headcount number for the month

  • Employees (Direct) Man Hours - Click the Employees (Direct) Man Hours banner to expand it, then type in the total direct man hours for the month

  • Sub Contractors (Indirect) - Type in the total indirect headcount number for the month

  • Sub Contractors (Indirect) Man Hours - Click the Sub Contractors (Indirect) Man Hours banner to expand it, then type in the total indirect man hours for the month

  • Audit Actions - Just type in the number of audit actions achieved outside of the Incident365™ system

Once you have added all the figures for the month, click the Save button at the bottom of the screen.

Sub-Locations and Overrides

Below each of the Head Count and Man Hour entry boxes, you will notice that there are two additional rows. These rows are Total including Sub-Locations and Overridden.

The Total including Sub-Locations displays a total of the number you add in for that month PLUS all sub location figures that have been added in all locations below the location you are adding figures to.

In the example above, the total of 2133 is made up of all figures in sub locations below the location we selected to add figures to and 346 we added for Jan. This means that 1787 headcounts have been recorded in the sub locations (2133 - 346).

Override figures can be added by users with the permission to do so in the Location Figures Admin area. This can help to rectify miscalculated totals due to missing figures once a particular month is locked out. Any override figures added will appear in the Overridden row and will disregard any figures added for that location and any of its sub locations. This means the override figure added will be the only number considered.

So, using the example above, if an override figure of 2500 is added to Jan in the Location Figures Admin area, the output in the Location Figures will look something like this:

Notice that the override figure can be seen as the Overridden value as you would expect, but it has also set the final figure in the Total Including Sub-Locations figure. The value of 346 (and any values added to our location's sub locations) are no longer considered.

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