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Assessment Wizard - Substance Information
Beth avatar
Written by Beth
Updated over 4 months ago

The Substance Information section of the assessment wizard is where you manage the substances being used in your task. Here we can remove any existing substances if required by clicking the Red Cross icon next to the substance name, and we can also download the SDS by clicking the Red PDF icon.

The hazard icons associated with the substance can also be edited by clicking the Pen icon to the right of the icon images. When editing the substance's hazard icons, simply click icons to select/unselect them, and then click the Save button to confirm any changes you have made.

To view the details of the substance, click the Expand Details option below the substance name. This will reveal all information associated with that substance.

Please Note: The text 'Expand Details' will change to 'Collapse Details' when clicked, and vice versa, revealing and hiding the substance details respectively.

Regulatory Statements

The first sub-section under the details of each of your substances is the Regulatory Statements. Here you can add and remove statements, as well as manually adding data to any phrases that state ??please see SDS??

Please Note: Modifying the Regulatory Statements can only be done by users with the correct system permissions.

Application Details

The Application Details section of each substance reflects how the substance is used in the task you are assessing.

Spillage, Storage & Waste

In the Spillage, Storage & Waste section, you can specify exactly what to do if the substance spills, how the substance is stored when not used, and how to dispose any empty container/aerosol/package when it is finished with. This section uses the same editor as that explained in the Task Details article.

Workplace Exposure Limits (WELS)

Here we can add substance exposure limits that would need to be adhered to when using them in the task. Again, this section uses the same editor as that explained in the Task Details article.

When you have finished modifying the substance's details, click Collapse Details (where 'Expand Details' used to be) to hide this information again.

If your task requires the use of more than one substance, simply click the Add Substances button to add another substance to your assessment.

Adding substances from within an assessment follows the same steps we covered in the Searching For A Substance article.

You can make a request for an SDS from this area also. This process is the same as the one outline in the Uploading An SDS/Making An SDS Request article.

Once an additional substance has been added to your assessment, you will be able to view and modify its details in the same way as outlined above.

Our Advice: Each substance added to your assessment has its own details section below it when you click it’s Expand Details option. Please remember to treat each substance separately, taking care not to amend the details of the wrong substance.

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