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Adding an Internal Code
Beth avatar
Written by Beth
Updated over 4 months ago

When adding a substance to your assessment or substance inventory, you can assign your own unique code to it in the Internal Code step of the adding process. This is optional, and will allow you to bind a code of your choice to the substance, allowing both yourself and other team members in your company to find the same, specific substance.

To add an internal code, click on the empty internal code box.

In the internal code options, you can choose one of the Prefix entries if any are available. Choosing one will set the prefix to be used for your internal code.

Next you can type in the rest of the reference code you wish to use in the empty space provided. Alternatively, you can click the Generate Reference button to generate one for you. The result of using the Generate Reference button will be one of two scenarios:

  1. If you have chosen a Prefix, the code generated will be the next available value. For example, if your prefix is IC, your final internal code could be IC-8675309 – where 8675309 is the next available number

  2. If you have not chosen a Prefix, your internal code will consist of the numbers only, for example 8675309.

Once you have created your internal code, click the Finish button.

Our Advice: If you want to add an Internal Code to a substance already in the My Substance Inventory list, please visit the article Editing Substances In My Substance Inventory.

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