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Working With Existing Actions
Beth avatar
Written by Beth
Updated over 4 months ago

As discussed in the Actions article, you can add actions to assessments you make. These actions can be managed in the Actions area of the system.

The actions area of the system is accessed by clicking the Actions option in the menu down the left hand side of your screen. This will load up a table of existing actions.

You can also use the Actions widget on the home page to get to the actions area. To do this, just click one of the coloured legend entries below the bar chart. For example, if you want to see a list of overdue actions, click the Red Overdue legend entry. See below:

Our Advice: If you want to see actions that are complete, in progress or overdue for all users (not just your own), just change the ‘My’ switch to ‘All’ in the top right corner of the Actions widget before clicking the Actions board options:

Please Note: The Actions board on the Home page will not have a bar chart if there are no actions in your locations.

Just like the assessments table, the actions table also uses column filters. These filters work in the same way as those described in the articles Table Column Filtering and Advanced Table Filtering.

To view a list of actions being used at a specific location, click the Location Tree button (or drop down menu) and select a location to view actions for.

Each action in the actions table has an Actions button. Clicking an action’s Actions button will display the following options:

  • Edit Action – This option will load up the action so it can be completed, modified or archived. Editing actions can be done in the same manner outlined in the Assessment Wizard - Actions lessons.

  • View Assessment – Clicking this option will load up the assessment containing the action in the assessment wizard. This will then allow you to view, edit, complete or archive the action from within the assessment itself.

Our Advice: If an action is overdue, its date in the Target Date column will be in red.

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