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COSHH365™ Other Questions Answered
COSHH365™ Other Questions Answered
How to Export Assessments to Excel?
How to Filter Assessments by Hazard/Risk Phrase?
Approved List: Internal SDS Requests
Filtering Assessments by the ones you have signed
Column Options with the Assessments Area
Sevron's Global Templates Feature
Sevron's Global Template Assessments FAQ's
I'm Looking for a Safety Data Sheet (SDS), Please Send it to Me!
I'm Trying to Add a New User, but the System Won't Accept the Email Address
Assessments in my System are Showing Up with Duplicate Reference Numbers
How do I add More than One SDS to My Assessment?
How do I Check When a User Last Logged In to the Sevron System?
My Assessments Need Reviewing, What Do I Do?
How do I Print out a PDF of an Assessment?
Why are my Assessments not Showing?
Template Assessments and User Restriction
How do I add a new hazard to my assessment?
How do I add a new location?
How do I add a substance to a specific location?
How do I add a substance to my assessment?
How do I add an image to the Task Details section of an assessment?
How do I add text colour and styling to the task details section of an assessment?
How do I alter a regulatory statement against a substance that states ??please see SDS??
How do I alter a user's role type to change their system permissions?
How do I archive / delete an assessment?
How do I begin a new COSHH assessment?
How do I brand my system and add a company logo?
How do I cancel a Safety Data Sheet request?
How do I change the logo at the top of an assessment?
How do I convert a Task assessment to a COSHH assessment, and vice versa?
How do I create a new user account?
How do I download a number of published assessment files at once?
How do I edit an existing location?
How do I edit the before and after control ratings of a hazard?
How do I edit the Spillage, Storage and Waste details of a substance?
How do I find a substance if it has an Internal Code?
How do I find an assessment using the assessment table filters?
How do I find and restore an assessment that has been archived?
How do I find an assessment via its reference number?
How do I link documents to an assessment?
How do I make a copy of an assessment?
How can I mark my system notifications as read?
How do I pre-define assessment logo images for my assessments?
How do I publish my assessment?
How do I remove a hazard or control icon?
How do I remove notifications?
How do I request an SDS from My Substance Inventory?
How do I request an SDS from within an existing assessment?
How do I request an SDS when creating a new COSHH assessment?
How do I search for hazard and control icons?
How do I see a list of all published company assessments and make a copy of one of them?
How do I see a list of all users in the system?
How do I send a draft assessment to someone else?
How do I update an out-of-date substance in an assessment?
How do I update and republish an assessment?
How do I view a draft of my assessment?
How do I view a list of unpublished assessments?
How do I view a list of my overdue assessments?
How do I view and print an assessment?
How do I view or switch to other tagged locations?
How do I change my password or personal details?
How do I download blank assessment form?
How do I filter the assessments table by Z-A or A-Z?
How do I check if an assessment already exists using Show Shared and then copy it to another location?
How can I insert a hyperlink into the Task Details area of my assessment?
How do I filter assessments & substances by location?
How do I filter assessments by overdue, incomplete etc?
How can I see a list of locations that are using a particular substance?
How to unarchive an assessment?
How do I accept an SDS Update?
How do I move a location from one to another using Drag & Drop?
How do I delete an SDS request?
How do I respond to an SDS Request message from Sevron?
How do I delete/archive a location?
How do I add an internal code to a substance?
How do I create a Risk Monitoring Alert?
How can I force section page breaks in published assessments?
How do I add custom entries to the People Affected list?
How do I switch on Template Assessments?
How can I send an assessment Publish Request to another system user?
How do I modify a substance's Regulatory Statements from within an assessment?
How do I resize photos?
What do I do if my SDS / Assessment limit is reached?
What is the 'Reason for Publishing' option for when publishing my assessment?
Can I add my own custom hazard or control icons to my assessment?
How do I cancel my account?
How do I Make SDS Requests in Bulk?
What is the Process Title used for in my risk assessment?
How can I increase my assessment account usage?
Can we Meet Ray™ and book an on site training day?
How do I access the system tutorials?
How can I change another user's system role type and permissions?
Is it possible to edit a substance's product code?
What do I do if I get an error code, such as 401, 403 or 404?
What are the different Role Types and what are their permissions?
How do I fix a system page that seems to be stuck or won't load?
How do I identify the selected matrix value of a hazard in a risk assessment
How do I review, update and republish Overdue assessments?
What is the Approved Substance List?
How do I archive a user and stop them accessing the system?
How can I fix the error, 'Internet Explorer has stopped working'?